Aldergrove Skating Club
604-857-1696 |

Current Skating Schedule

The Spring Session runs from March 31st to June 14th at the Rinks At Summit Centre.

The schedule is available in PDF format, or can be viewed on the Skating Sessions page.  Registration for all sessions is completed online through Uplifter.

The Aldergrove Skating Club continues to follow the recommendations by the Provincial Health Officer, viaSport, Skate Canada BC/YK and the Township of Langley.  It is vital that participants, spectators and coaches stay home if they feel sick.  Please be aware that restrictions may change at any time. 

For questions, please email: 


Aldergrove Skating Club
Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre
27032 Fraser Highway
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 3P6
